
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Suck It Dear...


Giant Croc


Be Carefull Hon...


Profesionalism Failed


raPe n Murdered


Wat Say You?


10 Ways to say NO to SEX

10 Ways to say NO (BeMie'S Style)

1.Just because I don't want to have sex doesn't mean I don't love you.
2.I don't feel ready to have sex yet, can we wait?
3. I want to wait until I am married to have sex.

4. I want to do it when it feels right not just because all my mates are.
5. You say you'll leave me if I say no. I don't want to go out with you now anyway.
6. I'm not 18 yet, it's illegal.
7. My religion says I should wait until I'm married to have sex.
8. We don't have to have sex to prove we love each other.
9. If you love me you won't pressure me into doing something I don't want to.
10. I just don't want to!


Tiger Show


Friday, February 27, 2009

99 ways to LOVE

1. Hug them.
2. Write a love note.
3. Call them at work just to say "Hi."
4. Give them a foot massage.
5. Tell them a joke.
6. Caress them with slow gentle strokes.
7. Go for a walk with them.
8. Send them a "happy gram."
9. Admit your mistakes.
10. Say: "I love you."
11. Indulge a whim.
12. Listen to them talk about an interest of theirs.
13. Be trustworthy.
14. Instead of complaining, tell them what you would prefer.
15. Look at them when you're in a discussion.
16. Send flowers.
17. Compliment something they did.
18. Offer to help.
19. Ask them to show you how to do something.
20. Call when you are going to be late..
21. Take them out to dinner.
22. Write them a poem about how special they are.
23. Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.
24. Ask them what they'd like sexually.
25. Go shopping together.
26. Take an afternoon drive.
27. Cuddle.
28. Put your arm around them in front of others.
29. Take them out on a surprise date.
30. Do something they want to do.
31. Listen.
32. Plan a candle light dinner.
33. Look at old photos together.
34. Serve them breakfast in bed.
35. Hold hands.
36. Share sexual fantasies.
37. Do a work project together.
38. Rub their back.
39. Take a shower together.
40. Carry their photo in your wallet.
41. Go away together for a weekend holiday.
42. Kiss them.
43. Smile more when you look at them.
44. Go for a bicycle ride together.
45. Surprise them with "special" attire.
46. Plan a picnic lunch.
47. Read something together about how to have a better relationship.
48. Repeat what they say before answering.
49. Say "Good morning" first.
50. Ask if they have a few minutes first before interrupting.
51. Send them a card.
52. Surprise them with a gift when it's a non-holiday.
53. Cook them a favorite meal.
54. Try a new restaurant.
55. Ask them how they feel.
56. Let them know when you are proud of them.
57. Ask for their opinion.
58. Turn on some romantic music.
59. Dedicate a song to them.
60. Send them a balloon bouquet.
61. Watch a sunset together.
62. Play a game together.
63. Have them teach you something they know.
64. Tell them they have the night off.
65. Go to a movie they select.
66. Ask them for a hug.
67. Wear some new cologne.
68. Discuss future plans with them.
69. Ask if you can help when they look sad.
70. Ask them about their dreams.
71. Meet them for lunch..
72. Enlarge a scenic photo of a place you've shared..
73. Give them a gift certificate for their favorite store.
74. Tell them what you like about them.
75. Buy them a new perfume.
76. Take them to a scenic spot.
77. Send them a gourmet gift basket.
78. Send them a joke card.
79. Let them know when you've thought of them during the day.
80. Buy them a toy.
81. Compliment them to their friends.
82. Bring them a thirst quenching drink.
83. Tell them when they look attractive.
84. Send them a post card.
85. Invite them to a secret rendezvous.
86. Give them a massage.
87. Take a lesson with them.
88. Look at photos together of when you met.
89. Plan a vacation with them.
90. Listen openly to their opposing opinion.
91. Buy them a new piece of jewelry.
92. Watch a TV show they like with them
93. Write them a letter.
94. Listen to music with them, such as an old favorite.
95. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear.
96. Tell them what you like that they do.
97. Give a head massage.
98. Invite them to a concert.
99. Let them know you care.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 10 Malaysian Richest person 2009

Here is the top 10 lists 2009, Malaysian Richest person :-

1. Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien RM 26.6 bilion
2. Ananda Krishnan RM 20.1 bilion
3. Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow RM 8.15 bilion
4. Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng RM 7.4 bilion).
5. Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan RM 4.5 bilion
6. Puan Seri Lee Kim Hua RM 3.5 billion
7. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary RM 3.18 bilion
8. Tan Sri Vincent Tan RM 1.79 bilion
9. Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King RM 1.64 bilion
10. Tan Sri Azman Hashim RM 1.42 bilion

Where's BeMie ?

Malaysian Business reports that Malaysian 40 richest income has decreased to sum of RM 96.30 billion by January 2009. This is affected much by Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) index drops, due to world financial crisis. About half of the richest loses their wealth by almost 50% or more. This sounds so bad to us isn’t it?


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